Traditional Chinese cake, made with only 6 ingredients, is simple and easy to make, with a soft texture, the taste of childhood!
【Ingredients材料】 4 Eggs (Medium size) 雞蛋 (中) 80g Caster sugar 細砂糖 120g Plain flour 普通麵粉 2g Salt 鹽 50g Cooking oil 食用油 50ml Milk 牛奶
Cupcake size 紙杯蛋糕尺寸 3cm (height高), 5.5cm (top diameter上層直徑)
Portions: 12pcs 份量:12個
(Bonus Recipe) 鳳梨雞蛋糕 Pineapple Cupcakes
【Ingredients材料】 130ml Whipping Cream 奶油 100g Melted Butter 溶化牛油 90g Caster Sugar 細砂糖 2 pcs Eggs 雞蛋 230g Plain Flour 普通麵粉 1 tsp Baking Powder 泡打粉 1/4 tsp Salt 鹽 50ml Pineapple Syrup 鳳梨糖水 250g Diced Pineapple 鳳梨切丁